Parent and Community Engagement

During a series of forums held in the Eden and Bega communities, it was identified that parents and carers wanted to be more engaged and involved with the Personalised Learning Plans (PLPs) for their children.

The culmination of the discussion forums will result in Parental and Community Engagement (PaCE) funded project that will see the eventual establishment of a personalised learning tool and community engagement platform.

The project aims to meet that need by providing a mechanism that contextualises PLPs in a meaningful way by involving strong parental engagement.

Parents and community members from five communities along the South Coast are contributing to the development of a web based online tool through discussions. The tool will link parents, community, schools and students so they can work together through the educational journey.

PaCE is a project backed by Prime Minster and Cabinet.

The project is being supported by students, parents, Momentum Cloud, Prime Minister and Cabinet, NSW Department of Education and the NSW Aboriginal Education Consultative Group (AECG).